Heyy, people of the Internet!

Do you ever feel like something’s not how it should be? Everything’s weird and you’re not like yourself? Yeah dude/gurl, I feel you then because that’s how I’m feeling these couple months.

Something’s just not right and I can’t quite figure out what it is. I’ve got that “Urrrrrghhhh” feeling going on. I keep comparing myself to others like: “Oh, she’s doing that, they’re going there and I’m blah blah blah..”(you know all of that jazz).

Yesterday I made a cup of hot chocolate (shhhhhh I added a spoon of Nutella for some nutty flavor), grabbed a nice box of fresh cherries, a book which I still can’t manage to finish reading, headphones and threw everything in my backpack; put some comfy clothes on (loose boyfriend jeans (Diy’ed)+sweatshirt (Sinsay)+old dirty shoes) and went to the park.

As I was reading and sipping my hot chocolate I got distracted by my random thoughts and yeah, couldn’t finish the book. Again hahaha. So I just sat on the bench for a couple of hours (until I finished the cherries and it got cold) just thinking about life. I might have looked weird but it doesn’t matter because…The time that I spend was meaningful and important for me. I decided what things should actually be important for me. I remembered the things that I’m good at and why I (and everyone else) should love me. By doing that, (I think) I revitalized my confidence in myself. Not saying that I wasn’t confident before but, I guess, it just wasn’t enough. And no, I don’t think it’s selfish because everyone should do that and understand why they are the best. Of course, I still have some some serious stuff left to figure out but.. It’s a good start though haha ^^

By this post I really want to say that everyone can feel lost or down and that it’s important to spend some time analyzing your thoughts, feelings. It doesn’t matter if you dedicate a a couple of minutes, a whole week or even more for that. It feels nice to realize that you’re good at something , to remember your good features – that really boosts your confidence and self esteem.

Btw, here’s a rendom picture that I took that evening. Man, I live in such a nice place…

SAM_1230 (1024x768)

Soo what do you do when you’re not feeling your best?

It’s okay If you didn’t enjoy this post because I’m not sure how to feel about it either hahaha. *Confusion*

’till next time!!

Be different. Be weird.

Akvilė ^^

If you have any tips, questions, comments, feel free to tweet me @AkvileeB, kik me @Akvilee359, or snapchat me @aakvile.

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